I looked at the audience and didn't read from notes (as I actually didn't have any), but from the Powerpoint. Ididn't get lost, because I had done that presentation before in catalan. Gestures and eye contact definitely got better than last year.
I believe I introduced new information to my audience, referring to my project and tree species. Some of my information was complicated (the different species), but I think I managed to explain it in an easy-to-understand way. The only source for my presentation was, of course, my research project.
The grammar was correct, I think I got confused once or twice and just repeated the sentence. Vocabulary was also okay, I tried to use scientific words, but easy to understand. I also used sentence linkers. My pronunciation was also allright, I think. I checked the pronunciation for words I didn't know, so I was prepared.
For my next presentation, I should work again on body language and eye contact. I would give myself a 7 or an 8.
My text was this one:
"Hello everyone. I want to present you my research project, which has the title 'botanical route through Castelló d'Empúries". I chose that topic because I got the interest in plants from my mother, she loves looking after her flowers in the garden. First, I'll explain what my objectives were. The first one was learn to classify different species of trees. then, I wanted to design a botanical route in a zone I chose first. Finally, i had the objective of checking the route by doing it with 1st ESO students. To accomplish that objectives, I followed the following methodology: First, search theoric information of the different trees I could find. Then, I had to search for books and maps of the zone I wanted to study, the 'Passeig de les Oques'. The practical part was aking photos of the trees in the zone, make dichotomous keys and design the route. The last would have been to check the route. I decided to divide the zone to study into two subzones. So, the first subzone would be between the 'Pont Vell' and the bridge of the Sant Clara street and the second one from that same bridge to the Castelló Nou bridge. I went to the zone and took photos of the different trees I found there, then I made an inventory. As you can see, each page of that inventory contained the scientific and popular names of the species, a short description and photos. The last parts of the research project were the ones I liked the most: designing the route, making the exercices and drawings and the dichotomous keys. Dichotomous keys are like questions where you have to choose from two or three possible answers and then continue with the question you are told, until they give you the name of the species you are looking for. After doing this, I also designed some exercises, which were basically to help the children to see what they had to focus on. They had some drawings to help them understand some words that could be difficult. After doing all the research project, I had the following conclusions: firstly, there are 11 different species which are typical river-side trees, although the 'Passeig de les Oques' is a zone that is influenced by humans. secondly, most of the species are represented by only one tree, but there are 3 that are very common: Platanus x hispanica, the banana tree, at zone one, and Populus alba and Populus nigra, which are called 'pollancres' in catalan, in zone 2. Due to a lack of time I couldn't check the route with 1st of ESO students, although I would have liked to do it. In general, I'm satisfied with my research project, but I would have liked to have the route ready earlier to be able to do it with the children. And that's the end of my presentation. Do you have any questions?"
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