This week has been so stressing, you know, I'm still happy I get some time to rest now. On wednesday, there will be a maths exam I'll have to take, but that's okay. At least it's not two exams every day now! And now, at last, I get some time for my friends. So this evening I'll go bowling with some friends and tomorrow afternoon I'll go have some ice-cream with Alexand
Monday.. yeah, on Monday I'm going to IES Castelló and look for the marks I still haven't got. I'll take my philsophy (Plato) notes with me because I'm going to help Pep (Joey) with it. He has to take the philosophy exam on Tuesday. We'll see If I can help him, but I really hope so!
For the rest of next week I have plans, too, like going to Figueres and such. I will meet once or twice more with some of my friends. I really need now some days off, to relax and have fun. And then, study again for PAU!
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