My progression
In my oral presentations, I can see many differences between my oral presentation about Pro Gat and the one about my research project. Firstly, my pronunciation is better, I can use higher level vocabulary and I speak more fluently. Moreover, I've become more confident of myself and I'm able to look at my audience more than before. My sentences are better structured, as well. The same happens with my writings. My vocabulary, structure and specially sentence linking have improved a lot from my welcome e-mail to my writing about nuclear power, for example.
If I had to show my best evidence for my English level, I would show...
...for my oral evidence, my podcast reading the tale I wrote last year. Alltough there are some pronunciation mistakes, it shows that I can speak quite well and it also shows some creativity, with music and sound effects. I think that's also important, specially for what I want to study, because you have to work with computers.
...for written evidence, I think my formal letter or my sentence from home-related post are a good evidence of my writing. They also show my maturity and my opinion about some recent topics, beside of my English level.
For the future, I want to practice my English a lot so I can go abroad and communicate with people without problems, for example. Maybe I find a job where I need English or something like that, so I think it's a good opportunity to be able to learn it and keep a good level.